December 20, 2004


Yay it's christmas time!! Everybody's happy it's a joyful time and we wanna share goos moments with the ones we love...I like christmas not for the gifts. Neither for seeing my family. But because it's one of the only times during the year that I can wake up a th time I want. Do the things I obligations of goin' to school, having homework due for the next day, none of all that. Just peaceful days where you can enjoy doing nothing.

December 13, 2004


Helle everybody how's it goin'?

I know it's been a long time since I haven't given any news and it's about time I do it!! A couple of months have passend since the last post and quite a lot of things have happenned. It's now the end of term in university and I really like it. Its a completly new world. It rocks..we have an actual bar inside the school so we can go there and have a beer during the break. Quite amazing lol.

May 16, 2004

Zone Labs AlertAdvisor - View Incident

Zone Labs AlertAdvisor - View Incident That's the url of a result page where you can see that the ip address from wich I got attacked from is not "potentially dangerous". Yes, I got attacked, and thnx to my firewall (Zone Alarm) they couldn't penetrate my computer. It alerted me and I nice is this!! it is nice indeed :D

TS : SAPS - Installations

Today is a brand new day, with brand new ass. It's just another boring day. Anyway, next year I'm going to university and as I happened to surf on my university's site, I realised there would be no real basket ball sad, for real. What am I gonna do without basketball? Maybe it's better for my academic results. Maybe. And this crappy place onle have ONE basket ball court, that's amazing!

ETS : SAPS - Installations

May 15, 2004

New stuff

This is my first post. I happened to install the google bar today, and it came with an orange button. I clicked on it (duh obviously), and it refered me to the blogger site. Didn't know what was all this about. I just decided to try it and it sounds quite fun. I'll come up with more stuff later on , I gtg.