April 10, 2010

2 weeks in Germany

Good day people,

Here I am again for a little story telling of my adventures abroad. We are Saturday and it's 8pm and today was my second day off.  We arrived in Bremen last Monday and we're staying at the Maritim Bremen hotel. As I said before, the travel day is always a day off, so I took the opportunity to go for a walk. There was a carnival/fare right next to the hotel so I went there. I was impressed by the quality of the rides they had there. It was like a mini La Ronde :) It was funny to see all the signs in German. They had a mushroom specialty that I tasted but not really liked. They also had long grilled sausages and I had one of those..they're a foot long lol. I can already hear you make jokes about me eating foot long sausages..go ahead it's alright, but I'll take down the names and prepare my vengeance at Big Foot lol.

This week was a special week. First, it is a bit like Stuttgart where the arena is literally 2 min away from the hotel. In fact, they're so close that we don't even have to go outside, the buildings are connected by a tunnel.
Second of all, we had the "info sessions" for the artists. Management talks to the artits about the tour plan for next year, immigration, and taxation. I had to book the conference room and make all the necessary arrangements. Everything went well and I'm glad it's over. However, next week there is the President's tour. I could compare it to CGI's annual meeting where everyone can go and ask questions to the company's founders. But instead, the founders come on tour. Also, the artists had their bi-monthly physical tests. Just like athletes, they perform various exercises (muscular, cardio etc.) to measure the physical abilities. It was fun to watch them suffer lol.
On my side, I suffered too, because for the first time, I did 12 hour work days, 4 days in a row...let's say that today, I really enjoyed relaxing at the hotel. I guess that's the reality of the job. Sometimes it can be slow, boring with a lot of downtime, and other times it can be so rushing that time flies. This week went by like a breeze!
Talking about breeze, The weather is just okay, very sunny during the but as soon as the sun comes down, the temperature drops quite a lot. and it's windy. I heard you had very warm, not to say hot temperatures in Montreal recently. I gotta say that I do want to come back for that because we didn't have any really hot and sunny days since I'm here.

We're starting to talk about tour break here, there are only 3 weeks left before the break. We were given a sheet where we could choose to have the cirque book a flight home for us, or we could decide to book our own flight elsewhere and be reimbursed up to a certain individual quote. I chose to let cirque take care of my flight as I do want to go home see my family, my girlfriend and you guys :). I need time to breathe and come back to my senses. Everything went so fast. To say that one month ago I didn't know if I was going or not, and that I only had one week from the day it was confirmed to the date of my flight. Looking back at the whole situation, it was quite stressful. However, I do not regret my decision and still very happy to work on tour. I'll definitely be better prepared for the next chunk of 10 weeks.

Tomorrow Sunday will be our last day in Germany. We will fly to Valencia (Spain) after the show. Going to Spain is something I look forward to. They have a strong culture there and I don't know if I'll have the chance but if it's possible, I'll go see a "tauromachie" event. I'll eat tapas. And I'll take plenty of pictures for you guys :)

Talk to you soon!