February 27, 2010

Before I go

Hello everyone,

Once again, it took me another several months before I updated my blog. But as you know, I'll be travelling around europe for the next year so I'll actually have something to write about :)

As of now I'm very excited about what's in store for me. I don't exactly know what to expect. This is really an opportunity I couldn't miss and I'm glad I tried. I will certainly miss my great CGI team in Montreal but I'll make sure I see you guys when I come back.

Right now, I'm preparing my luggage and cleaning my appartment. The administrative part is dealt with (passport, cellphone account, internet account etc...) so I'm not stressed. The stress will come when I'll actually be there. I'll realize how big this really is. Can't wait.

Anyway this was just a little hello before I go.

There are several ways to follow me:
And of course there's the good old email, if you don't have it already, ask me in the comments, I'll contact you and give it to you.

Good day, talk to you next time.

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