March 16, 2010

2nd week

Hello everyone how are things going? I heard one of my coworkers became a dad for the second time! Congratulations to him! It is currently 8:30 pm Sunday night, the week in Pesaro is over, and we are on the bus on our way to the next city: Bologna. I am writing this now but I’ll post it later as soon as I have an internet connection. Tomorrow will be off since it’s the first day after we travel. We'll be staying at NH Hotel in Bologna.


2 days have past when I started this post. We are now tuesday 16th and it's 9:15 pm. I did not have the time to finish it earlier as yesterday I went to Venice and today was load in day (unloading the truks, setting up the offices etc...). Also, I would have thought that in room internet access would be a normal commodity here in Italy but it's not the case. We have it in the lobby only and it's not free. 

Anyway here I am, for another story telling of my advantures in Italy. Like I said earlier, we have moved to Bologna and according to our travel book, it's one of the most beautiful cities in Italy. I will have the chance to visit it on my other day off, because yesterday I went to, in my point of view, the most beautiful city of Italy: Venice. This is the kind of cities you only get to see in movies, or on postcards. But I was there. I can't tell you how lucky I feel it's incredible. Monday morning 2 collegues and I took a cab to Bologna's train station. We had two option:
  • Regular train: 9 euros, 2 hours to get to destination
  • Fast train: called eurostar, it's comparable to the TGV, 20 euros, 1h20 minutes to get to destination
We decided that the extra money wasn't worth it so we took the slow train. 2 hours later, as soon as we get out of the train station we see the grand jaw was on the floor. Instead of taking a map and trying to find interesting places, we just decided to get in the city and wander around aimlessly, admirating the buildings and other structures. I took a wealthy load of pictures that you can see in my album as usual. It is just amazing..walking down those streets in place so full of history. It was so calm and quiet. The grand Canale is shaped like an S. Once you leave the sides of the canale and go deeper inside the city, this is where the real beauty is. I will tell you more about it once I come back (there's too much to say). But if you ever get a chance to go, do NOT hesitate, it's defenitely worth it.

Today was load in and it was easier that in the last city because this one has built in infrastructure so we did not have to run cables all over the place.  I'm getting more and more into the rythm and jet lag has worn off. I'm getting at ease with the people and everything is jsut great! I really like it. Maybe in a few weeks when I really settle in the routine will I be home sick? who know, for now I'm good :)

Talk to you soon and feel free to leave comments, they're always appreciated.


  1. I'll say it because I can... Been there, done that!! :)

    You're right, it IS gorgeous there, nice to see that you are taking avantage of the perks and opportunities that the job is providing you. Keep it up!

  2. waouw chanceux aurelien jsavais pas ke tavais un blog!!!really really nice!continue de nous raconter t aventures!!bisousss

  3. This is awesome man, and I'm glad to hear that the job is not too hard, good luck when you'll be alone :)

    Keep on posting.

  4. Nice! Listen, when you've had enough of Europe, just be sure to lend me your passport and I'll cover for ya!! Umm ... wait ... that won't work. Dang!!!

  5. Stop bragging Tom :P
    Nah that won't work Greg ;)
    Thanks for the wishes Gab :)
    Oui Ingrid les histoires arrivent!
